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Admission to RSHU for international students


Here you may find the list of specializations offered by RSHU



1.  Physics (03.03.02) Bachelor Degree

2.  Applied Hydrometeorology (05.03.05) Bachelor Degree

3.  Applied Hydrometeorology (05.04.05) Master Degree

4.  Ecology and Natural Resourse Management (05.03.06) Bachelor Degree



Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

The mission of the Faculty and its main educational aim is professional preparation of specialists with a wide range of knowledge in the sphere of ecology and environmental sciences, especially for the needs of scientific and research institutions, administration at the state level, at the level of local self-governments or non-governmental environmental organizations, as well as the development of research within these spheres.


• Lectures are given by the leading foreign experts in international ecological projects and ecologists from international companies.

• Teachers of the faculty are involved in the eco expertise of international companies as well as projects and programs on geoecology, ecology, and ecosystem exploitation.


Degrees and specializations


05.03.06 – Ecology and Environmental management


Bachelor's studies focus on: natural and economic, anthropogenic, ecological, industrial, and social systems at the global, national, regional, and local levels. National planning and control, monitoring, the expertise of eco-components in various business activities, multi-level sustainable development programs are as well the subjects of study.


05.04.06 – Ecology and Environmental management


Master's degree course is dedicated to natural and economic, anthropogenic, ecological, industrial, and social systems at the global, national, regional, and local levels. National planning and control, monitoring, the expertise of eco-components in various business activities, multi-level sustainable development programs, questions of formation, education, health care, and population process are as well the subjects of study.


Education in Russian and you can study it with us at the preparatory department.


There are 3 ways for foreign students to apply for studies at RSHU:

Contract (Self-funding)

Quota Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation

Scholarship of the World Meteorological Organization


Become a part of the unique Faculty!


For more information, please write: ums@rshu.ru

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