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Admission to RSHU for international students


Admission for study for foreign students in 2022/2023  at educational organizations of higher education in the Russian Federation by budgetary appropriations of federal budget within the quota determined with the Russian Government

Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) Saint-Petersburg (Russia), being a component of the Regional Training Center of World Meteorological  Organisation (WMO) in Russia, approach you on the issue concerning enrollee or specialists who would like to study in Russia by governmental quota in the 2022/2023 academic year and also who would like to apply for a WMO fellowship in the future. Admission of foreign students into Russian universities is accomplished by the governmental quotas which means that education is paid by the  Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (RF). The quota is available only for the field of study: 05.00.00 Earth Sciences.  The Government of RF  allocates quotas for foreign students every year.


Here is the list of specializations:

  • Bachelor (4 years): 03.03.02 Physics, 05.03.04 Hydrometeorology, 05.03.05 Applied Hydrometeorology, 05.03.06 Ecology.
  • Master (2 years): 05.04.06 Ecology and nature management, 05.04.05 Applied Hydrometeorology
  • Ph.D. level (3 years): 05.06.01 Earth sciences

For more information, please write: ums@rshu.ru

The Quota Scholarship Program offers fellowships to approve foreign students to study at RSHU. The scholarship includes:

1. Waiving of tuition fees for study at Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. level;

2. Monthly stipend of 2400 RUR for undergraduate and graduate  students and 7000 RUR for Ph.D. students);

3. Accommodation (2 students in one room) at the University dormitory at the lowest price (about 1300 rubles per month);

4. Free use of the library and sports facilities at RSHU;

5. Meal at the university canteen at a low price (100-150 RUR per one student for three-course lunch);

6. Discount for public transport use (1025 RUR per month for use of all types of city public transport);

7. Perfect discounts for visiting Museums, Theaters;

8. The lowest price for medical insurance.


Application for the Quota Scholarship includes several steps:

 1st Step 

Applicants should submit the following documents to Representative Rossotrudnichestvo/Russian Centres of Science and Culture or to the Russian embassy in the candidate country of residence.





List of required documents:

1. Color photograph;

2. Copies of documents confirming subsequent educational levels including a transcript of records;

3. Medical certificate issued by the official authority of the candidate residence country;

4. Certificate of HIV and AIDS negative test results issued by the official authority of the candidate residence country;

5. Copies of passport pages containing the information required for study visa, valid for at least 18 months from the start date of the entry student visa (clearly readable pages containing the setting data for invitation);

6. Copies of birth certificate (if any);

7. Other relevant documents (diplomas; international, national, and other academic contest certificates).



For admission to Master and Ph.D. programs:

8. Abstract in Russian or English language;

9. List of publications.



ALL DOCUMENTS have to be translated to Russian and certified by the Embassy/Consulate of the Russian Federation in the home country of the candidate.




until 12 DECEMBER 2021


The algorithm of admission to RSHU


First of all you need to register on the site


and follow the instructions on the site. 

This is the only official site for the selection of foreign students.

1. You register on the site;
2. Complete your application form;
3. Choose the direction for your study in RSHU;
4. Choose our university as a desirable university (Russian State Hydrometeorological University). The university must be the first on your list;
5. Choose an item that needs a preparatory department (this is necessary  so that you can learn Russian in Russia);
6. Fill out the questionnaire to the end and follow the instructions on the site.


2nd Step 

The screening of the foreign citizens recommended by the country authorities for the study is held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation involving Russian educational organizations within the Informational-Analytic System on the ground of provided documents of foreign citizens short listed on Step I. Information about results of consideration of each candidate the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation directs to Rossotrudnichestvo for further provision to Russian and foreign Embassies and Russian representative offices.


3rd Step 

After receiving information about the Scholarship granting, it is necessary to contact International Relations Office via e-mail ums@rshu.ru and to notify about dates and times of arrival.

The contact persons for this procedures:

Head of the International Relations and Recruitment Department: Kirill Bogdanov

Foreign students must pay all expenses of airport meetings, transfers,s and medical insurance on the territory of the Russian Federation.


IMPORTANT! Before arriving in Russia, foreign students from certain countries should undergo recognition procedures for foreign documents on education. The detailed information could be found in the section legalization and recognition of foreign documents

The legalized education documents must be submitted to the Center for International Education upon arrival at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University.


4th Step

After arrival to Saint-Petersburg, a student should go to the Center for International Education and to fill in the requested documents. A student should bring a passport and migration card, which is issued at customs while entering Russia. Medical insurance is issued separately in St. Petersburg. Upon arrival, a student should also bring originals of all the documents and legalized educational documents.


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